Helpful Hints For Creating A Synthesis Essay On Frankenstein

The ability to process and generalize information is a very important skill for your academic life. Writing a synthesis essay teaches you how to bring together your own ideas with the ideas taken from other sources. This type of writing is not about summarizing or reviewing. A synthesis is a combination or mixture of the opinions you heard in class or read in the books on a particular topic. Frankenstein is an interesting topic for writing a synthesis essay. This novel itself is already a combination of different viewpoints that together create an integral story. Consider the following suggestions that will help you organize your writing process.

  • Study the sources carefully.
  • Try to find as many sources as possible to get more different ideas and views on your topic. You don’t need to use them all, but it’s better when you have a range of something to choose from. While reading highlight the essential information and write down a general idea of each source. This will help you assemble all the necessary evidence for your arguments. Frankenstein is a broad topic, so read the prompts that narrow down your task to a couple of questions to be answered.

  • Analyze.
  • You should understand which aspect of the book is covered in a particular source and how relevant the author’s review is to your subject matter. Analyze the main points of each source, pay attention to arguments and evidence that the author provides to support them.

  • Choose your position.
  • Taking into account the opinions of other authors and critics you should come up with your own view on the issue. Choose three sources that you liked the most and use them to support your ideas. State your main argument in the last sentence of the introduction, in your thesis. It should clearly determine what you’re going to prove in your paper.

  • Create an outline and write.
  • You should outline the structure of your essay or, in other words, create a plan for your paper. Think about how you’ll get the readers’ attention, lead them into your topic, and formulate your thesis statement in the introduction. Then, sketch the main points you’ll cover in your body paragraphs and evidence you’ll provide to support your ideas. Pick the appropriate quotations from the sources. Make sure they’re meaningful and fit the content.

  • Include a reference page.
  • As you’ll use other people’s thoughts through your essay, don’t forget to quote them properly and include a list of authors and their works into a reference page.

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